
Red has a body and stride like Black. She is independent, quiet yet active (a champion at ripping up newspaper). She is the mid-sized female, closer to larger than smaller, her coat is straighter, harsher and shorter, her head more square.
She is healthy and energetic, bidable and friendly, and she is quite sturdy. Our vet saw the puppies and in his opinion, based on current size for their age - they will all be quite large - maybe larger than we have been guessing (around 75-85 pounds?)
Update, late October 2006: Reading this over I am now saying we guessed better than our vet and most weights will be 65-75 pounds instead of the ten pounds heavier he predicted. I won't edit this info and we will check back around Labor Day 2007, when they are pretty much fully mature, to see who was right.
Red is now mostly known as Scarlett at our house, although we have a few pet nicknames for her :) Her body may be like Black (King Louie) like I mentioned above, but her hair sure is not. His coat is plush and full and her's is thinner and wild. That wild look suits our household well, however.
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