Saturday, October 28, 2006

Harkes and Scarlett ("White & Red")

From the top you can first see Harkes ("White"), and below him is our Scarlett ("Red"). Harkes is the "big boy" of the litter, weighing 35 pounds last week. He lives in North Carolina where he is in puppy school and he has learned a number of commands. Harkes also loves to play "fetch". He is very good with children, easily trained with treats and overall just a "happy go lucky puppy". Scarlett lives with us in Aurora, Colorado, where, as I type, she is battling with her mother just like she used to do with her littermates. She is "partially housebroken", needing a close eye when running loose. She weighs 30 pounds and her coat is starting to shed a bit (she is one of two pups that had really no evidence of a "poodle-like" coat). She is in her adolescent stage right now, losing teeth, getting bolder, and going through growth spurts - and we love her.

Update Dec 31, 2006. Re: Shedding - when I wrote the above it was after Scarlett had gotten a bath. Hairs did come out then, but we have no loose hair in our house and never find it on our clothing when Scarlett has been on our laps - so I say "VERY little shedding"; less than I imagined from a first generation cross. Scarlett weighs 45 pounds today and is still a bit shorter than her mother, though with a wider bone structure already - for example her hips are noticably wider than her mother's hips. We have also noticed that her head is large and so is her mouth! (Rottweiler side, I guess). These puppy days are going away fast - it's been fun - but I can't wait to see her stature when she is fully mature.

Four month reunion

We are having a reunion of sorts, by posting photos and updates online from our litter over the next few days. However, we also had a real reunion when Finn ("Orange") and Scarlett ("Red") got together at our house on October 25th. By the imprecise - hold puppy and stand on the bathroom scale, then subtract your weight - method, they both weighed about 30 pounds at this time. In the photo above, they are shown in a rare moment of standing still.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Finn and Zeus ("Orange" and "Green")

Directly above you can see Zeus ("Green"). He lives in Pennsylvania and currently weighs 30 pounds. Zeus is very agile, fast and energetic, and is doing well in puppy kindergarten - usually sitting and staying when told. On top is Denver-resident Finn ("Orange"), who now weighs about 30 pounds. Finn loves people but is not as fond of other dogs, although he sure had fun at our house with our three when he visited. Finn is the only puppy of the group that is already fully grown ;) - we "know" this because someone looked at him and said he wouldn't get much larger! Finn's family is planning to cut a new doggie door that he can just barely squeeze through, based on that advice ( just kidding!!)

Monday, October 23, 2006

King Louie and Marshal Tucker ("Black" & "Pink")

Here are four-month photos of Marshal Tucker ("Pink") at the bottom, and King Louie ("Black") shown above. Marshal lives in Arizona and he's had some grooming, as you can tell! He weighed 26 pounds around the time of the photo, but his owner was one of the first to reply and we suspect he has put on some more weight since then. Louie lives in the metro Denver area and he is a quick learner and is very gentle with his family, including two small children. He is also respectful of the family cat - wise choice Louie!